Color Detection Using Webcam with Matlab HSV Color Model Segmentation Based

Nandhito Wahyu Christian, Ferris Tita Sabilillah


This reserach is explained in detail how it works so that the color detection algorithm can run. We used in this study is the color segmentation method, namely HSV. The basis of the RGB color model not only represents color but also represents light intensity. Lighting in the color of an object is caused by the lighting around it. Therefore, direct representation of the color of objects with RGB components is very efficient. In this study, we have been able to detect several primary colors, namely RGB. However, this research can be further developed to be able to recognize several other colors. Digital image segmentation methods can be classified based on the components that serve as a reference for object separation. In this study, we have succeeded in detecting color according to the method we have determined. We have successfully detected the colors Red, Green, and Blue. In this research, we can detect any object or person. The level of accuracy that can be given to detect RGB color itself is 90%. Several factors that can make colors undetectable are lighting, the lack of clarity of an object, to the hardware factor itself.

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